Limyè gri California granit blan pou kay devan miray eksteryè
CLADDING miray eksteryè se yon kalite materyèl ki itilize pou pwoteje oswa ajoute po sou mi ou yo. Li te itilize nan endistri a bilding yo ofri rezistans move tan ak kalaj tèmik. Sa a pral tou amelyore bote nan mi yo deyò. -
Antre kay gri granit wòch blòk pave pavaj brik ak pave
Granite wòch pavaj ajoute distenksyon ak bote nan nenpòt ki zòn deyò. Li ka itilize yo fè pasaj pyeton, patio, espas manje deyò, e menm zòn sèvis piblik. One of the most important features of granite paving slabs, and one of the reasons why granite patios are so popular, is that they are extremely durable, have a long life span, and can tolerate continual movement, weight, and the elements. Granite paving stones may be used in every garden, regardless of style or preference. Our granite paving flags come in a variety of colors to suit your needs. With our granite slabs, you can give your garden a contemporary, classic, modern, or even creative atmosphere. -
Flamed oliv bwa gri granit mozayik pou mi eksteryè cladding
Bwa Olive se yon granit gri yo te jwenn nan Lachin ki gen oliv tent vèt. This stone is ideal for monuments, worktops, mosaic, fountains, pool and wall capping, stairwells, window sills, and other architectural projects. Li te tou rele oliv granit bwa, oliv granit an bwa, ak an bwa granit oliv. Poli, syaj koupe, sable, rockfaced, sabl, woule, ak fini lòt yo tout posib ak granit bwa oliv. -
Lachin Natirèl Stone G623 poli dal granit bon mache pou etaj
G623 Granite se yon granit gri limyè ki soti nan Lachin. It is also known as China Rosa Beta Granite, Haicang Bai, Haicang White Granite, Barry White, Moon Pearl, Padang Beta, Padang New Rosa, Padang White, Grey Sardo, and China Bianco Sardo Granite. Grey-woz granit ak yon teksti mwayen. Granite G623 items can have their surfaces polished, honed, flamed, bushhammered, and so on. Granite G623 is frequently used to make flooring tiles, wall tiles, countertops, vanity tops, paving stone, kerbstone, cube stone, stair, windowsill, and other similar products. G623 granite products are sold to numerous nations throughout Europe, America, and the Middle East, among others. Granite is a natural stone that comes in rough blocks, slabs, tiles, and monuments. It will differ in color and veining, and an exact likeness cannot be guaranteed. -
G654 nwa gri flamed granit pou mozayik etaj deyò
G654 Granite se yon granit gri nwa nan peyi Lachin. It also name charcoal dark grey granite, padang dark, sesame black granite, China nero impala granite, seasame black granite, Changtai G654 granite. -
Natirèl juparana colombo gri granit pou mozayik etaj eksteryè
Granite Juparana Gray se yon granit vag gri nan peyi Lachin. Juparana Gray se dirab, asid ak alkali rezistan, ak move tan rezistan, fè li apwopriye pou lontan l 'deyò. -
Chinwa G603 limyè gri granit pou mozayik etaj deyò
G603 Granite se yon kalite granit gri quarried nan peyi Lachin. G603 granite stone is particularly well-suited for outdoor wall and floor applications, monuments, sills, staircases, worktops, mosaic, fountains, and other architectural projects.